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5 Lifestyle Habits That Support Healthy Joints as You Age

5 Lifestyle Habits That Support Healthy Joints as You Age

Joint pain can result from an acute injury, overuse, or a health condition. Aging can be a factor in joint discomfort, but it shouldn’t be a given that added years mean added pain in your joints. 

Dr. Ajay Kumar and our team at New Jersey Advanced Pain Management Center want you to enjoy healthy joints and avoid joint issues like arthritis for years to come. Here are five good habits you can adopt to extend the healthy lifespan of your joints so you can age gracefully!

1. Shed some weight

If you’re carrying a few extra pounds, losing weight can contribute to your joint health by taking strain off of weight-bearing joints like your hips and knees. In fact, a single pound lost is equivalent to four pounds of pressure when it comes to your knees. Make a plan to shed the extra weight — your joints will thank you.  

2. Keep moving

For many, getting older means becoming more sedentary. Movement is the best way to preserve joint health and reduce stiffness as you age. 

Try to walk briskly several times a week and do stretches daily. If you have access to a pool or the sea, swimming is a great low-impact way to work out. Strength training, such as weight lifting and resistance band training, is also important to keep your body healthy and strong as you age.

3. Eat for joint support

A low-inflammation diet, such as a Mediterranean diet, may help you if you suffer from joint inflammation, and you might also find it easier to lose weight if you cut out saturated fat and replace it with healthy fats like those found in avocado and fish. Stay hydrated, and make sure you get enough fiber. 

As far as supplements for joint health go, aim to get your daily allotment of bone-production boosting vitamin C as well as vitamin D, which can help your body absorb calcium for better bone and joint health. 

4. Quit tobacco and moderate alcohol

If you smoke, stopping is one of the most important things you can do for your health, period. People who smoke have a higher risk of bone and joint issues, including fractures, osteoporosis, bursitis, tendonitis, spinal pain, and rheumatoid arthritis. 

You can enjoy alcoholic beverages, but keep it casual — a drink a day for women, and two drinks a day for men. Don’t binge drink at gatherings or down a bottle of wine or a six-pack of beer every night. 

5. Address joint pain with your doctor

If you start to experience joint pain, don’t just write it off as getting older. Talk to Dr. Kumar about ways to manage your joint pain and prevent it from getting worse. You can restore or preserve mobility and enjoy many pain-free years with the right plan in place to support your joint health.  

Do your joints ache, grate, or grind? The team at New Jersey Advanced Pain Management Center can help. Please schedule an appointment by calling the location nearest  you — we have offices in Hackettstown, New Jersey, Matamoras, Pennsylvania, and Warwick, New York.


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