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Tingling Limbs: What You Need to Know About Neuropathy

Tingling Limbs: What You Need to Know About Neuropathy

Many issues can cause neuropathy — a nerve condition that comes with a sensation of tingling, pain, itching, numbness, or buzzing. It’s extremely common in the extremities, including the hands, feet, arms, legs, and even face, where nerves that carry signals to the brain can be easily compromised.

Dr. Ajay Kumar and our team at New Jersey Advanced Pain Management Center — located in Hackettstown, New Jersey, Matamoras, Pennsylvania, and Warwick, New York — work with patients suffering from neuropathic pain, finding solutions to minimize symptoms and address the core cause.

All about neuropathy

Neuropathy refers to nerve damage that can affect the motor nerves that control your muscle movement, autonomic nerves that control involuntary processes like breathing and heart activity, or sensory nerves that send information to the brain about temperature, touch, and pain.

Most people with neuropathy suffer from peripheral neuropathy. Symptoms of peripheral neuropathy include (starting with the most common):

If you struggle with one or more of these symptoms, you could have neuropathy.

Causes of neuropathy

There are many different subtypes of neuropathy and just as many causes. Common underlying causes of neuropathy include:

For almost 50% of neuropathy patients, the diagnosis is that their condition is idiopathic, meaning no single cause can be identified.

Neuropathy treatment

Dr. Kumar offers a range of treatment options for neuropathy. These can include:

Even if you find out what’s causing your neuropathy, chances are that some or all of the nerve damage will be irreversible. That’s why it’s so important to seek help as soon as you notice neuropathy symptoms such as tingling limbs, so your doctor can address the root cause.

To make an appointment at New Jersey Advanced Pain Management Center, call the location nearest you or book an appointment online today.

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